Covid 19 – Return To Rugby

Now that we have completed and filed our Return To Rugby – COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan, we can move onto the next phase, planning the return of rugby in the Club. Over the next couple of weeks we will be publishing a number of documents that will help Players, Coaches, Parent/Guardians, Volunteers and Supporters to understand what will be required of them and what they can expect for the 2020/21 season.

Covid 19 – Return To Rugby Related Documentation

Now that we have completed and filed our plan, we can move onto the next phase, planning the return of rugby in the Club. Over the next couple of week we will be publishing a number of documents that will help Players, Coaches, Parent/Guardians, Volunteers and Supporters to understand what will be required of them and what they can expect for the season ahead.

Forms & Checklists

  • Visitor Personal Assessment Declaration

    Click Here (Source displaying 404 Error)

Guidelines for Players, Coaches, Volunteers, Parents/Guardians & Supporters

Covid 19 – IRFU Return To Rugby Roadmap

On the 5th of June, the IRFU published its Return To Rugby Guidelines For Clubs Roadmap. As part of the Return To Rugby process, all club are required to complete and submit a “COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan” to their provincal branch.

The following image provides a summary overview of the roadmap.

For more details on te IRFU’s Return To Rugby Summary Roadmap click here.

Return To Rugby Key Milestones & Dates

12-03-2020 IRFU suspended rugby nation wide.
19-03-2020 IRFU officially concluded 2019/20 rugby season
29-05-2020 IRFU puslished their Return to Rugby Summary Roadmap
05-06-2020 IRFU puslished supporting documentation for the Rugby Summary Roadmap
10-06-2020 We started compiling our COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan
18-07-2020 A number of the measure, as outlines in the draft plan where implemented, namely, signage, sanitisation stations, restricted area’s, isolation room, etc.
22-07-2020 Final draft (No. 4) of LRFC COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan circulated.
24-07-2020 Final draft of plan converted to a Live Document and filed with the Connacht Branch.
24-07-2020 Final draft of plan converted to a Live Document and filed with the Connacht Branch.
27-07-2020 Seniors return to limited contact training (1-on-1).
17-08-2020 Loughrea RFC Pre-Rugby Personal Assessment Declaration From updated as per IRFU